
Our happy moments

Intro CSG
(If you click on the picture above, you will be taken to the CSG introduction posted on KOSEN!)

 The complex system consists of many particles interacting strongly with each other and shows the emergence phenomena which not understandable by only considering the characteristics of each particle separately. Features of these systems include power-law distributions. The power function distribution is in the form of y ∝ x and is scale-free, showing the correlation length divergence. For example, the absence of a scale means that if a person's key distribution follows a power function distribution, most people are 1 to 2 meters in height, but some may be 10 meters in height. Also, the fact that a correlated ray diverges means that the motion of one particle affects the entire system.
 Our laboratory is interested not only in physics but also in natural systems such as ecosystems, nervous systems, and society, and we are studying various fields.

Lab. Introduction at the department Lab. Introduction at the graduate school

StatPhy28 2023 at Tokyo

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Netsci 2023 at Vienna

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2021 Summer : Naju Workshop @Kentech

We met nice people2(feat. Professor Kim!)

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2021 Summer : Naju Workshop @Kentech

We met nice people!(feat Ph.D. Kim)

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2021 Summer : Shopping & Dinner @Siheung outlet

We got two unplanned sunglasses -_-;

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2021 Summer : lab picnic @Siheung 갯골생태공원

Soooooooooo~~~ scary tower!

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2021 Spring : YS's Birthday @HY_erica

HBD Yongsung!

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2021 Spring : Cherryblossom Picnic @HY_erica

The most beautiful moment!

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2019 Spring : International Workshop on Function, Information Spreading, and Percolation in Brain @APCTP

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2018 Winter : 2018 TPNS @SNU

Take a picture with new members!

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2018 Autumn: 2018 2nd term orientation meeting

It is the orientation meeting of the laboratory in the second term of 2018.

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2018 Summer: This semester end meeting

The new season will soon be bright.

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2018 Spring: Presentation by undergraduate students

Thank you for your hard work!